
Building Biodiversity Right At Home

Many homeowners are now seeking ways to amplify biodiversity while ensuring their property values not only maintain but increase. The thought of increasing biodiversity on a property is often tied to “re-wilding” which for some homeowners may sound off putting as the aesthetics may reduce value. While it is true that cultivating a more natural landscape is breaking the mold of the traditional suburban manicured lawn and white picket fence, it doesn’t have to be an eye soar or decrease the value at all. In this guide, we will explore insightful strategies on how to achieve both - cultivating biodiversity and increasing property value simultaneously. What is biodiversity? When you look out into your yard what do you see? Grass, perhaps some dandelions or weeds, the occasional bee or curious squirrel? What you are seeing is a micro ecosystem in action comprised of various species. The richness, or number of various species from microscopic organisms in the soil, to the birds feeding in th...

Snapping Back: Alligator Snapping Turtle Population on the Rise in Texas

Wading through the murky swamps of East Texas may not appeal to everyone, but for ecologists it recently came with a great reward. In a 2020-2021  study  Stephen F. Austin State University Masters student David Rosenbaum and his team documented an increase in the Alligator Snapping Turtle ( Macrochelys temminckii ) population.  Nestled among the lush and diverse ecosystems of the southeastern United States, M. temminckii  stands as a captivating and enigmatic creature. With its prehistoric appearance and unique adaptations, this ancient reptile has captured the curiosity of both scientists and nature enthusiasts. USGS Alligator Snapping Turtle Range Known for their distinctive features and intimidating presence, alligator snapping turtles are the  largest freshwater turtles in North America, weighing in at upwards of 250 pounds!. These reptiles possess a remarkably powerful crushing bite (watch those fingers), earning them the reputation...